79-year-old Beverly Watkins – Blues Live

79-year-old Beverly Watkins playing blues live at the “Ladies Rock Camp 2019” in Atlanta, GA.

How is this woman not front and center in our minds and on a big stage? She is more authentic and talented than any industry injected pop entertainer!

This is why people need to understand that most of us don’t get to know these artist because the system didn’t allow it before. But thanks to the social media boom we are all falling in love with all this great music now!
There have been many artist like her that went on know that We don’t even know and that’s why it’s time to put them all back on the World Map so people know that we are all one and that music is maybe the only way to bring us all together!

There is NO WAY on this earth that you can dislike this beautiful woman! She’s Totally Phenomenal! Rest In Peace, Beverly!

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